Established as a small firm in 1993 to provide customised software solutions Sani Software was catering the needs of small users. It then became the dealer of various software products and gained momentum. The success of the firm conceived Sani Software Pvt. Ltd. (SSPL) which has moved from strength to strength since July 1999. The company took up distribution/started dealing in many software products and has earned considerable exposure in the field of software development manufacturing marketing and services. Having carved a niche and establishing a toehold in the Vadodara and nearby districts it moved geographically to cater the needs of state of Gujarat.
Sani Software Pvt. Ltd. is established name in providing business solutions to Chartered Accountants Tax Advocates and Tax Practitioners in terms of Taxation Software Products. Taxation Software Solutions for Income Tax Value Added Tax (VAT) for Gujarat Service Tax and eTDS are the key area of operation of the company. Taxation Software provided by the company are being used by Taxation Practicing community i.e. C. A. Tax Advocates or Accountants not only in Gujarat but also in Madhya Pradesh (M.P.) and Maharashtraincluding Mumbai. Company also provides them truly cash based accounting software.
Multilingual software solutions and products is another area where company has embarked its presence. It is geared up to provide data processing service in Gujarati and Hindi as well. In School software section we have School Management Software solution or say ERP software for schools. Also the teaching capsules content software and digital classroom concept providing hardware as well as software solutions is also where we have our presence. Having provided ERP software solution to five companies including one stock exchange listed company we have spotted us in ERP zone also.
At Sani Software Pvt. Ltd. our Customer is Supreme. We starve to provide them the best of the solution and post-sales services to their utmost satisfaction. Customer delight is our ultimate motto. Thus all our products services and activities are centered around the customer needs with emphasis on quality products as well as outstanding service-support. We deploy our skills and expertise gathered over years to provide customers with ease of operation and peace of mind. Quality training at our TaxSoft Academy prepares the individual to meet with the challenges posed by today's complex working environment.
Having set high standard of performance and value system at work the company is all set to meet with the expectations of and commitments to its customers employees vendors share holders and the society. With clarity of vision and mission the company is successful in establishing itself in this era of cut-throat competition and rapidly growing field of Information Technology.
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Vadodara, Gujarat